LANGORIS – Stories of wines and knights


The history of Angoris, including all the historical events around the Cormòns village during the last four centuries, through the stories of fascinating characters.

A romanticized story, based on private and public archives, epistolaries and diaries, enriched with unreleased pictures.
The narrator is the only fictional character: a Red Crosse nurse in the field hospital of Angoris during WWI.
Since 1968 the historical Locatelli Family from Pordenone owns the estate.


Why a book?

Because it contains all the things that we do not want to forget: the amazing history of our land and its protagonists, the tenacity and the passion proven in the work and in the hardships of life. The history of people who donated through their work pieces of their existence.

Marta Locatelli


For those interested in purchasing LANGORIS - Stories of wines and knights it can be found in all the best bookstores


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